Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Bishop Fernando Rifan on the Latin Mass, tradition, communion with the Pope

Another good interview from Brian Mershon and the Wanderer with Bishop Rifan whose apostolic administration is a "floating diocese" in Campos, Brazil.

Bishop Rifan states that the real reasons people love, prefer, and preserve the Classical liturgical form of the Roman rite are:

for a better and more precise expression of our faith in eucharistic dogmas,

for safety, for protection against abuses,

for the good of whole Church, in contribution for liturgical crisis' reform,

for wealth and solemnity of rites,

for better precision and clarity of rubrics (giving no space to "ambiguities, liberties, creativities, adaptations, reductions, and instrumentalizations," as complains Pope John Paul II in Ecclesia de Eucharistia, nn. 10, 52, 61),

for the sense of sacredness,

more wealth and precision of prayers' formulas, in reverence,

for personal and ritual humility,

for elevation and nobility of ceremonies,

for respect, beauty, good taste, piety, sacred language, tradition, and legitimate right recognized by Church's Supreme Authority.

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