Of course, church officials state that these volunteers will be supervised when working with children. What a relief! Everyone should be able to rest easier now...Let's just hope that perverted criminals don't get wind of this. What, after all, prevents such a reprobate from voluteering, claiming to have no papers?
LOS ANGELES - The Roman Catholic dioceses of Los Angeles and Orange have backed away from pledges to prevent pedophiles from working with children by subjecting volunteers to fingerprint background checks, the Los Angeles Times reported Thursday.Does a sworn affidavit really mean anything to a criminal?
Church leaders said they didn't want to lose illegal immigrant volunteers, who lack the legitimate government-issued photo IDs that are required for the checks.
Volunteer candidates without photo IDs in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles can give a sworn affidavit stating that they have not been convicted of any crime, officials said. In Orange, they can provide a sworn affidavit and two character reference letters.
"They are just trying to be too politically correct, even though it means putting the kids at risk," said Rita Milla, spokeswoman for the Los Angeles-area Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests. "If someone can't prove who they are, they shouldn't be volunteering."As I said, this is one of the few times I agree with SNAP.

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