It is my understanding that the women who attempted this "ordination" have already separated themselves from the Church...The only thing missing is the publi declaration from the Church. And if I am not mistaken, lifting of the excommunications is reserved to the Holy See.
Waukesha resident Kathy Sullivan Vandenberg faces excommunication for seeking the priesthood in an unsanctioned ordination ceremony, Milwaukee Archbishop Timothy M. Dolan said in a statement handed out at weekend Masses at Vandenberg's home parish.
Dolan wrote to parishioners at St. Mary's Catholic Church in Waukesha that it was his duty to notify the Vatican of Vandenberg's action. Dolan said her excommunication could come soon. The Roman Catholic Church prohibits women from becoming priests.
Vandenberg, 64, said Monday that she was "startled" by the letter and surprised that Dolan had "spent so much time and energy" on it when "other important things" might demand his attention."Only I can exclude myself." What a revelation of arrogance - and, that's exactly what she has done even if she refuses to accept that fact. Her refusal to believe does not make it go away.
Of official efforts to sever her ties to the church. Vandenberg said: "Excommunication is simply a punishment. That doesn't mean I'm excluded from the church. Only I can exclude myself."
It's not dificult to understand, though. Such things happen when ones chooses to live a life of 'make-believe', pretending, much as a young child often does.
"I want to always be respectful of the church and the bishop," she said, "but there are times when you have to be obedient to God and not the bishop.""I have to be obedient to God, not the bishop."....This is the standard response from all who separate themselves from the Church - stemming from pride, each chooses his (or her) own will rather than God's will...Each chooses to follow the prideful example of the fallen angels rather than the humble, obedient example of our Lord.

HT to Darla for the link...
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