Pro-abort Governor Rod Blagojevich says he will go ahead with Plan B even without the FDA's approval. Aren't the people of Illinois so
lucky to have a leader like him?
If the Food and Drug Administration doesn't act quickly to make the morning-after pill available without a doctor's prescription, Illinois will.
That's the message being sent to the FDA today in a letter from Gov. Blagojevich, who urged the agency to end more than three years of "stalling" and approve over-the-counter sales of the emergency contraceptive Plan B.
"The evidence is clear and overwhelming that making Plan B available over-the-counter is the right thing to do," the two-page letter reads. "If the FDA fails to act, as governor, I will move forward to enact legislation on our own."
Can anyone in Illinois spell "R-E-C-A-L-L"?
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