Many of the issues that confront us are serious, and we know by now that the political parties in our country are at loggerheads as to how to solve them. We know, for instance, that adherents of one political party would place us squarely on the road to suicide as a people.Amen, your Excellency! As long as this or any country embraces these evils, it is doomed. Those who promote such evils are indeed enemies of humanity.
The seven “sacraments” of their secular culture are abortion, buggery, contraception, divorce, euthanasia, feminism of the radical type, and genetic experimentation and mutilation. These things they unabashedly espouse, profess and promote. Their continuance in public office is a clear and present danger to our survival as a nation.
What we have to remember is that violence breeds violence. When we tolerate unjust attacks upon the tiniest innocents among us, we habituate ourselves to violence. And so we have allowed these barbaric practices to corrupt our laws, our medical practice, and even our ordinary lives...The violence of abortion coarsens the lives of all of us.Fr John Hardon had stated several times that Christianity must be restored in our nation, as in the world. He said it is a "dire necessity". Bishop Doran, and others, once again remind us of this fact. As Catholics we cannot sit by idly - Catholics and, indeed all Christians must be on the front lines of this deadly spiritual battle. Not only are nations at risk, but more importantly, countless souls are in peril.
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Having sown the wind of abortion we now reap the whirlwind.
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The toleration of sexual perversions among inverts, widespread contraception, easy access to “no fault” divorce, the killing of the elderly, radical feminism, embryonic stem cell research — all of these things defile and debase our human nature and our human destiny.
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It is the duty of every Catholic to support the work of the parish Pro-Life directors and commissions and to work for the extirpation from our society of all those who in any way foster or promote these things.
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These unholy sacraments of our secular culture are the seeds of the destruction of our nation.
History will again, no doubt, demonstrate that the contraceptive mentality is the spark which ignited the blaze of these other evils in our lifetime. Contraception breeds murderous and immoral consequences.
Total self giving, prayer, penance, reparations for our sins and the sins of the world - this, too, is a necessary aspect in defeating these evils from our society, in expiating the crimes against God and humanity which have become so commonplace in our diseased world.

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