UNITED STATES, August 15, 2006 (LifeSiteNews.com) - Scientific researchers are now beginning the tedious task of altering the public’s expectations of the aims of human embryonic stem-cell research, deviating from the primary goals of providing stem-cell therapies to cure diseases. In what amounts to a bait and switch, these researchers, no longer promising immediate theoretical cures for a myriad of diseases desired by a desperate public, are now justifying the research by claiming that human embryonic cells are instead marvelous research tools for investigating the mechanisms of disease rather than actively curing them.And, surely, those promoting the Missouri Stem Cell Initiative have known this all along, have they not? Are they merely looking for a potential windfall from some as yet unknown patent possibility - presumably while gorging themselves at the trough of public funding?
According to the New York Times, a number of scientists continuing medical research on human embryos admit that the inherent difficulties of developing stem-cells from human embryos for therapeutic use place any cures - if possible in the first place - years down the road. Instead these researchers want to switch the primary focus from therapies to drug research or learning about diseases through embryonic stem cell experiments.No cures - just human experimentation and murder...to gain research data. Hitler would be so proud...
This is precisely the type of information that the public needs to know. Especially, all of those duped into signing the ballot initiative petition.

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