Saturday, September 09, 2006

Mental Prayer for September 10-Charity and Social Action

Mental Prayer Meditation Helps

Presence of God

Grace I Ask: God, teach me to know what charity is and give me the strength to practice it.

Mental Picture (cf. Luke 10:30-37): A wounded man unconscious at the side of a road. A stranger romes up, glances at the figure, walks around it, and continues on his way. A second stranger does same. A third stranger comes up, takes one look, and does everything he can to help the victim, even at the cost of much self-sacrifice. Christ asks: "Which of these was a neighbor?" The answer comes back: "He who showed mercy." Christ replies: "Go and do likewise."

My Personal Application: "Well, I have never passed by any stranger lying wounded on the road." Are you sure? You have probably seen the slums of a big city and the terrible conditions in which these people live. Have you ever even thought of trying to help them'? You have heard of the terrible poverty in many foreign countries. After hearing about it have you turned away, unconcerned? Do you understand Catholic social teaching and what it should mean in your life? Perhaps you should make inquiries. For it is in matters like slums and poverty-stricken foreign countries that many modern Christians pass by their neighbor lying wounded on the road.

I Speak to Christ: Lord, give me light to under­stand that modern life calls for new applications of your parable about the Good Samaritan.

Thought for Today: "Go and do likewise."
Adapted from Mental Prayer, Challenge to the Lay Apostle
by The Queen's Work,(© 1958)

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