WASHINGTON, DC, January 26, 2007 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Archbishop Raymond Burke, archbishop of St. Louis, MO, addressed the annual March for Life’s Rose Dinner and delivered a message of both encouragement and warning for the pro-life population of the United States.
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[Archbishop] Burke began his address reminding his listeners that another crucial front has arisen in the battle against the culture of death. “Given the legalization of procured abortion in our nation, we should really not be surprised that now the agents of the culture of death seek a constitutional guarantee of the right to generate artificially and destroy embryonic human life. A nation that permits abortion at any stage, including the practice of partially delivering a baby into the world in order to destroy it brutally, has so deadened its conscience that it is no longer horrified at the thought of embryonic stem cell research, which has rightly been called Frankensteinien.”
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[He] cautioned that unless there is a re-awakening of the national conscience, the United States will soon see “the move to permit infanticide up to a certain age because the small child has not yet achieved the sufficient ability to relate with others - even as we witness a growing acceptance of euthanasia in the cases of persons who we no longer consider productive and able to relate in society according to whatever standard we conveniently establish.”
He claims that such an awakening will only come with the individual awakening of American citizens because he believes that, given the truth, the American people will not accept the killing of human life. Burke attributed the current cultural situation to “the programmatic lying which is the condition for the existence of the culture of death.”
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[Archbishop] Burke emphasized the importance of returning to an understanding and obedience to the natural moral law which he referred to as the “fundamental truth that we seek to communicate.” He stated that only through heeding the natural moral law will our society “keep our eyes fixed on the moral principles upon which the foundation of our nation rests – those expressed eloquently in the Declaration of Independence – namely, that man is endowed by his Creator with certain inalienable rights among which the first place is held by the right to life.”
Let us not forget to keep Archbishop Burke and his intentions in our daily prayers...And may God give him and all our bishops and priests the grace, strength, and courage to proclaim the truth, especially in this culture which is so filled with lies and corrupted by self-idolatry.
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