Sunday, June 29, 2008

Meditation for June 30, The Kingdom of God

St. Paul was athirst for the Kingdom of God. In the mind of Our Lord, the Kingdom of God meant several things; first of all, the acceptance of the dominion of God by the world, and the estab­lishment of justice and of right living.

The reward of that acceptance of God's reign is grace, the super­natural state, that is, the life of union with the Father and Christ in the unity of the Holy Spirit. Even here below, we are called to lead a celestial life, a life greater than nature, a divinized life.

Better still, this divine life, the Kingdom of God within each of us through grace, is destined to expand into the divine life of heaven. Here below, we have only the beginning, at the end is the Glory that is called the Kingdom of Heaven.

Every human being upon earth has, then, a double goal, to ad­vance in himself as much as possible the Kingdom of God, and to do his utmost to establish it in the world in accordance with the characteristics of his particular state of life and vocation - for some this will be prayer and penance, for others the care of the sick, for others teaching, or some form of apostolic endeavor.

"My God, give me the grace You gave to your apostle Paul to be athirst for Your Kingdom. Grant that I may never refuse anything that can contribute to Your glory and my sanctification. And grant also that through me, through my prayers, my apostolate may extend Your Kingdom on earth more and more."
Adapted from Meditations for Religious
by Father Raoul Plus, S.J. (© 1939, Frederick Pustet Co.)

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