Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Abortion Issue Again Dividing Catholic Votes

So states the New York Times as it "reports" on the fundamental issue of life and professed "Catholics" who promote political supporters of abortion and infanticide.
SCRANTON, Pa. — Until recently, Matthew Figured, a Sunday school teacher at the Holy Rosary Roman Catholic Church here, could not decide which candidate to vote for in the presidential election....
Then came the erroneous "theological insights" of Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden, with the swift rebuttals and corrections by a number of US Bishops.
Now Mr. Figured thinks he will vote for the Republican candidate, Senator John McCain of Arizona....

A struggle within the church over how Catholic voters should think about abortion is once again flaring up just as political partisans prepare an all-out battle for the votes of Mass-going Catholics in swing-state towns like Scranton....
As long as there are so-called "Catholics for Obama," or for other supporters of murdering the unborn and those who survive and are born alive, this will remain an issue which needs constant teaching and prayer.

Progressive Catholics complain that by wading into the history of church opposition to abortion...Democratic officials are starting a distracting debate with the church hierarchy.
'Progressive' Catholics is a term which many view as code for those who embrace heresy or otherwise rebel against the Church's teachings or disciplines. In far too many cases, these people have already abandoned the Church yet cling to the name Catholic, apparently, it seems, because of some deep seated psychosis.

“Getting into Augustine and Aquinas — it is just not helpful,” said Chris Korzen, executive director of Catholics United, a progressive Catholic group running television commercials that emphasize the church’s social justice teachings....
"Catholics United" usurps the name "Catholic" and persists in confusing Catholics. CatholicCulture documents this here.

Karl Keating's E-Letter illustrates how Catholics United twists the truth in its attack upon Catholic Answer's Voter's Guide.

“I think that one of the teachings of God is to take care of the less fortunate,” said Susan Tighe, an insurance lawyer who identified herself as “a folk Catholic, from the guitar-strumming social-justice side” of the church.

A perfect example of those who are lost and claim to be Catholic though they have, essentially, left the Church. Pathetic, hippie culture buffoons who lack faith and any knowledge of authentic morality, and the natural law.

Catholic Democrats outside the campaign have also worked hard to avoid repeating the experience of 2004, when a small group of outspoken bishops dominated news coverage of the church with criticism of Democratic Senator John Kerry focused on the single issue of abortion......

The same debate is already playing out almost every day in the letters section of Scranton’s newspaper, said Jean Harris, a political scientist at the Jesuit-run University of Scranton. “It is a running debate between Catholics saying ‘abortion is the only issue’ and others saying ‘you have to look at the whole teaching of the church,’ ” she said.
Jean, of course, has it completely wrong - abortion is not the only issue - the protection of life is the fundamental issue about which all other issues revolve. We can understand her confusion; she is at a Jesuit-run institution.

Some wonder when or if the Church will purge from her fold those who follow the evil one and who usurp the name Catholic and cause untold scandal and confusion?

In a related story, "Catholics United" (and that's so difficult for me to write without provoking anger) is running a false ad claiming that John McCain is not Pro-Life on abortion...

Should we really expect anything less from those who are opposed to Christ and His Church? Are they not in league with the evil one, the father of lies, who, our Lord tells us, is a murderer from the beginning and has no truth in him?

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