Friday, September 05, 2008

Archbishop Niederauer Responds to Speaker-turned-theologian Pelosi

And he ignores Canon 915...

Archbishop addresses recent comments made by House Speaker Pelosi

Last month, in two televised interviews and a subsequent statement released through her office, Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives and a [professed] Catholic residing in the Archdiocese of San Francisco, made remarks that are in serious conflict with the teachings of the Catholic Church about abortion. It is my responsibility as Archbishop of San Francisco to teach clearly what Christ in his Church teaches about faith and morals, and to oppose erroneous, misleading and confusing positions when they are advanced....

While heaping praises on Pelosi as a farmer shovels manure, he does say
that the authority to teach in the Catholic Church belongs to the bishops, not to heretical or apostate Congress members who claim to be Catholic. He also indicates - Newsflash! - that Pelosi's interpretations are completely wrong and that Catholics who obstinately persist in grave error should not receive communion...

Then he provides Pelosi a major out by stating that Catholics who are honestly confused, doubtful, or uncertain may receive Holy Communion. How difficult can it be to understand that abortion is intrinsically evil? Is Pelosi, second in line to be President of the US following the VP, honestly confused, doubtful, or uncertain about this clear teaching of the Church?

I regret the necessity of addressing these issues in so public a forum, but the widespread consternation among Catholics made it unavoidable.

One would have hoped he was making the statement for the salvation of her soul and the souls of those she helps lead to eternal damnation.

Accordingly, as her pastor, I am writing to invite her into a conversation with me about these matters.
Send her a summons to appear while she is in town! Forget the "invitation" - she's been promoting the butchering and murder of the innocent unborn for years!

It is my obligation to teach forthrightly and to shepherd caringly, and that is my intent.
It is not charity to let one continue down the path of perdition, especially when she leads others to follow her.

One wonders, though, what actions the Archbishop will take if she refuses his "invitation"? Will he protect the faithful from additional scandal? Will he protect the Blessed Sacrament from more sacrilege?

Pray that the Holy Spirit enlightens his intellect and faith and provides him the courage and strength to do what he is charged to do.

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