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Friday, November 07, 2003

Update on ICD's Liturgical Dance Performance on Oct 12

I received a response from Bishop Hermann a couple of days ago regarding a followup letter I wrote to him after his participation in ICD's Dedication Mass of October 12. My report and comments of the Dedication Mass are here.

I do not wish to post his letter as I am considering other options and what approach is necessary in pursuing this further. Suffice it say that the essence of the response was, more or less, what I expected. I was surprised by the reasoning and rationalizations given, though!

In summary, I have been enlightened as to the following:
That this diocese has a history of liturgical dance on special occasions.
"Arbitrarily" forbidding liturgical dance at ICD would be confusing for the faithful.
Prohibiting liturgical dance "in this Archdiocese" will require a "thorough catechesis". Lastly, since 'liturgical dance' occurred at the Vatican with the Beatification of Mother Theresa, it must be OK for us here in the US, because it was televised worldwide.

I guess Cardinal Arinze was mistaken when he said, "The do-it-yourself" Mass is ended. Go in peace." I suppose we have a ways to go before we are fully "inculturated".


Thursday, November 06, 2003

Enroll in a "Catholic" university & lose your Faith?

Read this:
Many Theologians in U.S. Dodging Canon-Law Norm
Journalist's Investigation Reveals Worrisome Trend on Mandatums

Yes, it has only been about 20 years since the new Code of Canon Law was promulgated and about 13 years since "Ex Corde Ecclesia" (1990) was issued by the Holy Father through the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. This requires that those teaching theology agree to teach the Faith in accord with the teachings of the Church.

The bishops of this country FINALLY got around to doing a little something about it 11 years later in 2001. And it wasn't much...

Do you want to find a good Catholic College for you or your children? One in which Faith is nourished and strengthened instead of assaulted? Well, good luck....

I have recommended to friends and family that they should write the office of admissions first and ask if their professors have a mandatum. If they are hesitant to respond in an affirmative manner for whatever reasons that they may cite, such as: privacy or academic freedom, then write them off. Why throw away good money so that your kids can be stripped of their faith?

Find a college which is up front about it and has professors who earnestly seek and obtain the mandatum, indicating to a great extent, that they are faithful to the teachings of the Church. These are the colleges that should be supported. It's truly shameful that many claim to be Catholic when, it seems, they are far removed from Truth, Himself.

You will be doing yourself and your children a great favor.


Evidently St. Cronan's has their "Ministry of Danced Prayer" also.

This was in St. Cronan's bulletin for the week of November 9th.


“DANCE IS APPROPRIATE AT PAPAL MASSES ABROAD AND AT THE VATICAN. Papal celebrations need the adaptation and inculturation foreseen by the Vatican Council II.” Archbishop Piero Marini, Pope John Paul II’s chief liturgist. That is just what I thought about our liturgical rhythmic movement and other inculturation here at St. Cronan’s."

I guess we can all look forward to another new & improved Liturgy coming soon to a parish near you.


Concerned about the Liturgy, Fidelity, Orthodoxy? Consider Credo-St. Louis

For the faithful in the archdiocese of St Louis, there is a local group, "Credo of the Catholic Laity", which you might find of benefit. I only recently became aware of it after attending a dinner meeting here in St Louis which hosted Bishop Fabian Bruskewitz of Lincoln, Nebraska, speaking on "The Injustice of Secular Culture".

Below I have posted Credo's introductory information.

About Credo
Back in 1994 a small group of concerned Catholics met in St. Louis to discuss what positive action could be taken by the laity regarding some of the increasingly deplorable conditions in the Church. The discussions resulted in formation of Credo of the Catholic Laity.

Some of the conditions we were concerned about were:
The fact that many Catholics no longer believed in the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist, that New Age philosophy was being accepted by some Catholics, including certain members of the clergy, and that Radical groups like “Call to Action,” “We Are Church” and “Catholics for a Free Choice” were becoming more influential.

We had heard horror stories about seminaries where orthodox Catholics were humiliated and forced out while active homosexuals were ordained. All sorts of strange concepts were being put forward as in the "spirit of Vatican II".

Needless to say the homosexual penetration of the clergy and the scandals that have followed have created another and even more serious crisis for the Church.

It was decided that Credo’s primary mission would be to promote solid Roman Catholic Orthodoxy through three vehicles: Education, Activism, and Advocacy. A steering committee was formed and work began. We now have in excess of 100 members.

We have sponsored over thirty educational presentations including such speakers as Dr. Wm. Marra, Professor James Hitchcock , Father Pablo Straub, Father John Trigilio and Bishop Fabian Bruskewitz. We have sponsored five Retreats, a Day of Recollection, Special Masses and a Wanderer Forum. We publish a newsletter at least quarterly. In addition we work behind the scenes to point out liturgical transgression and misinterpretation of Church doctrine to those involved and if necessary to the appropriate Church authority. We strongly support those good priests and bishops who are aligned with the Holy Father and the Magisterium.

Our basic doctrine: Faithful Catholics, obedient to the Holy Father and those many good bishops, priests and religious in union with him. Dedicated to preserving doctrinal orthodoxy and rubrical fidelity in the Church’s public worship and to enhancing the spiritual growth of our members.

If you agree with this doctrine we hope you will decide to join us. If you have a special area of concern you may want to become involved in one of our committees. You can join by filling out the application form below and submitting it with the appropriate fees. If you are already a member we urge you to pass this application on to someone else who might be interested.

If you would like to know more Call Howard Brandt at 314-894-0357 or Victor Mercurio at 314-878-2067.
Credo of the Catholic Laity Membership Dues: $12.00 individual $15.00 family.

Please make your check payable to Credo of the Catholic Laity and remit to:
Credo of the Catholic Laity
C/0 Howard Brandt Treasurer
4386 Honeydew Lane
St. Louis Mo. 63128


Monday, November 03, 2003

UNESCO Calls Abortion on Demand "Proper" Medical Procedure for Girls

These people must really be concerned with children's health - going as far as to suggest that governments should subsidize abortions and offer "redress" to women who have been "denied" access to abortions "that should be made available to them."

Ahh, yes...use tax money to pay a women "just reparations" because she was unable to murder her children. The U.N. holds a such a special place in my heart.....


Isn't belief in Christianity a crime yet?

Judges like this need to be impeached.

And whose subjective definition of "homophobic" will be used?

How much longer will it be until this country goes the way of the Roman Empire and collapses in on itself from depravity or is overrun by others?

God help us all!


Coming soon to your parish?

Check out Our Lady of the Enneagram for the latest and greatest.

They say:
"We are a post-modern Catholic Community moulded on principles of pan-optic theology and Sophia restoration. Membership is automatic upon logging onto this site thus allowing you to experience full active and conscious participation in this inclusive non-judgemental, non-dicriminating, post-patriarchal, neo-feminist, depapalised, mono-lingual church."

Sound like any parishes you know? Before you get too upset (or elated, as the case may be), it is a parody!


Sunday, November 02, 2003

Dr James Hitchcock Speaking in St. Louis

Dr. James Hitchcock will be speaking at a dinner hosted by Credo of the Catholic
Laity on Sunday November 9th at 6:00 p.m. The location is the Radisson Hotel in
Clayton. Cost $17.50 per person. The subject of his talk will be "What Has
Happened to Our Catholic Universities?"

Dr. Hitchcock is a professor of History at St. Louis University and is well
known for his orthodox books, articles, and talks. His wife Helen is president
of Women for Faith and Family.
For more information call 314-894-0357 or e-mail
