VOTF-St Louis Conference, March 13
Before I post my transcribed notes, I need to say a couple of things. I arrived about 8:45 to register and noticed that they had a table set up for "walk-ins" - so much for the pre-registration requirement.
The vast majority of the people there were well past retirement age it seemed to me. Very few young people, and by young, I mean below the age of 40. There was, perhaps, roughly 150 people there based on the number of occupied chairs.
I saw Mr. Robert Schutzius, who wrote a rather scathing letter to the editor to the Post-Dispatch critical of Archbishop Burke.
I noticed 6 priests at the meeting: 5 wearing a roman collar and 1 in civies. (Msgr. Telthorst, Fr. Robeson, Fr. Lydon, others unknown). I'm not certain if there were more there or not.
Below are the transcripts of my notes from the day's meeting:
Any comments of mine in the transcription will be in [brackets].
The meeting was opened with comments by Ken Parker, Professor of Theological Studies at St. Louis University.
There was a "Gathering" Prayer to begin the meeting with "Voices of Survivors" (Statements of survivors read by others, I assume not victims), Songs, and prayers complete with a sort of 'danced movement' (actually arm/hand gestures) because "it (danced prayer) is part of our culture".
After the prayer service, Don Manson and his wife? (of VOTF-Mid Missouri, Jefferson City) spoke first. They related how they had started a VOTF-type group (PVMM-Parish Voice Mid Missouri) in the Diocese of Jefferson City in 2002. They encountered difficulties in getting the priests to come to their meetings and getting permission to meet on parish grounds. They were told by the bishop that he would not force any priest to provide accommodations for them.
By March 2003, the Diocesan newspaper would never print the letters of articles nor did they receive a response why. Participation in the group dwindled from 20 to about 12.
They are now considering doing an op/ed piece in the local papers in an attempt to encourage more involvement.
Their view of the issues:
Childrens Safety Programs
Children leaving the Church after Confirmation
Lack of Vocations
Lack of open discussion regarding "alternative" vocations (married & women priests)
The Loss of the "Best" Catholics, because of their 'frustration' with the Church over these and other issues.
[I was curious what he meant by 'best' Catholics?]
The last issue, which evoked a positive response from the crowd, was "How do we go about changing the Church, when there is active suppression of dissent by Church authority?
Mike Pollard-VOTFSL
We are moved by the 'spirit'.
There is a need to add more people to leadership in the group.
We are ready to act.
We need to remember the vision of Vatican II.
Fr. Donald Cozzens [wearing suit, not clerical clothes]
There is frustration and discouragement among the faithful.
He discussed the John Jay Study and the National Review Board (NRB)Report. He indicated that he was interviewed by the NRB at Bob Bennett's office and said it was like a friendly deposition with several lawyers present.
The message for Bp. Gregory - It isn't history! (from National Catholic Reporter editorial)
He said there is a systemic structural crisis in the Church today and he quotes Peggy Steinfels of Commonweal.
The NRB has done much to liberate the laity, continuing the liberation of the laity started by Vatican II. He believes they (NRB) will do more to liberate the laity.
Things will be different now because there is an 'educated' laity. [See later statements on feudal system]
The NRB report blamed bishops and seminaries, specifically 2 aspects of seminaries: admissions and formation.
Today there is more psychological testing than ever. What is needed are more leaders and preachers. He related the story of an Annapolis graduate who became a candidate for the priesthood and who stated that the psych testing in the seminary was so much more than that at the academy.
Many candidates for the priesthood do not have the charism of celibacy. There needs to be a discussion of celibacy and of married priests. Especially considering that the Church allows married ministers of other faiths to enter the Church and become priests.
There is a problem with zero tolerance for priests but none for bishops. We should be looking at a zero risk policy instead.
Celibacy is a key to the crisis. Need to address the resistance to the removal of celibacy. It's easier for the hierarchy to control celibate priests than married priests.
In the reports, deacons have a much lower incidence or abuse (because married).
Quoted part of a poem by a monk, Kilean McDonald?, which include the phrase "large betrayals, small treasons", about a group of monks standing around a grave burying one of their own.
All of us are in denial to some extent, including the Church. The Church is not healthy.
Also quoted MASH's Fr. Francis Mulcahey, "We all are experts at not facing things."
Quoted stats on the number of priestless parishes, etc.
Many Catholics are uncomfortable with the Church. (read some verses from Lamentations & Jeremiah) "Rachel mourns her children."
Was especially grateful to Bishop John Heaps? of Australia for his expounding on the real meaning of Vatican II.
Asks the question about which we must think: Why are structures of the Church they way they are?
Our vision of the Church - what should it be?
Critics of VOTF have not taken to heart the spirit & teachings of Vatican II.
Pius X once said that "the laity is to docily follow their pastors." Look where we are now.
The Holy Spirit has been loosed in the world. The spirit cannot be stifled or quieted.
We are witnessing the unraveling the last feudal system. Explained how the feudal system worked....The linchpin to bring down this feudal system is LOYALTY.
Feudal systems only work when the serfs (us) are uneducated. Our education is our freedom from serfdom.
The dioceses are fiefdoms (parishes, also). Look at the titles used: Excellency, eminence, grace, monsignor [this drew laughs].
Under the old ordination ritual during one part he was required to say "adsum" (I am present). Laity should start saying "adsum" - I am here, I am present!.
Our loyalty should be to the Gospel and our conscience. Touted Walter Burkhardt?, theologian and writer for "America" magazine.
Questions Asked/Statements given before lunch.
Vocations - where are they. Why male only, why no married allowed?
Structural changes needed-Will I, as a woman be listened to if I go to the chancery?
Will women ever be ordained? Ans. Perhaps to the diaconate, theologians are looking into it, no reason why not, there were women deacons in the early church.
Why does the Church have such narrow teachings on sexuality? Ans. The Church is schizophrenic about sex...this will need more theological work as well.
Does VOTF support the Pro-Life position and why don't we hear more from them about it?
Need to apply pressure and begin revolution - maybe the first step is the ordaining of deacons wives, since they have gone thru all the training as the husband....
Why does VOTF not attract young people, generally?
Why isn't this room overflowing with people? Ans. It's the vision of VOTF that's important right now...then quotes something from Hans Kung.
Why is ordination even necessary?
What about financial accountability? Where is the money going? Not for schools, etc? Ans. New book by David Gibson will address this...it will be next crisis in the Church.
Why can we not have the Church as it was in early America with John Carroll & John England...why is Americanism heresy? Ans. Read Anthony Pavadano, quoted something about the early Church in America is a good model.
Need for democracy in the Church.
There is the liberating power of speech for structural changes in the Church. The role of women is a "tilting/turning" point.
Bob Schutzius asks something like, Because of the lack of the Eucharist in so many places, can we call our bishops "TRAITORS"....Ans. Not recommended, too confrontational...Question, How about with a small "t"?
Why doesn't someone tell the people how the bible stories are not true but come from ancient pagan myths and legends?
We men need to understand the great feminine spiritual consciousness both in women and also in us.
What's new in seminaries today? Ans...Dialoguing, some seminaries are open for lay education as well (about 50%); this help seminarians prepare for the real world interfacing with people.
There needs to be a call for a rethinking on contraception by the Church, to remove the ban on contraception.
One problem with not allowing women in the priesthood, girls feel inadequate - they don;t feel as important as men.
Another praises the feminist movement and what it has done to bring the Church into the 20th/21st century...The train is on a roll and cannot be stopped!
We need to get back to living and doing in the spirit of Vatican II [from one of the musicians, maybe in his 30's]
Cozzens indicated that he had several 'hysterical' comments on his book in 2000.
-----------Lunch Break----------------
My General Comments.
After having attended my first VOTF meeting, I can only express my profound grief for these people. While professing to be Catholic, they are far removed from the Church in a spiritual sense, even though they may have some of the outward appearances of being practicing Catholics. They have a grossly distorted view of the Church. They are defiant and proud. Their understanding of Vatican II is irreconcilable with the actual documents of the council. One must believe that they have not read any of the documents of Vatican II.
My reason for going was to ask questions of the presenters to challenge them to see the truth. While I was reworking my questions for the Q&A, perhaps 20 or more people had lined up already to ask questions or make comments and there was not nearly enough time for all the people before the break. I waited to see what would happen all the while hoping to have an opportunity to ask a couple of key questions which most would not want to hear.
While watching them and listening to their 'issues' with the Church, I began to see them in a different light. I saw these people as, perhaps, truly lost. Maybe this was due to what they had been taught after Vatican II by others who were confused. The poor souls are bewildered. Many no longer know the truth. Some, I'm certain know the truth but reject it because of pride and arrogance, putting thier 'wisdom' before that of Christ and His Church. I felt so sorry for them and prayed that they might be reconciled to God. They are in great need of prayer and conversion. Their minds are clouded and disoriented.
I cannot diminish the fact that what this group proposes is clearly demonic. The faithful need to be made aware that this and other such groups are clearly a grave danger to the Mystical Body of Christ. The movement is bent on destroying the Church. But I believe many have been duped, seduced by the father of lies, just as Eve in the Garden...
I could not stay past 12:30 as I had other committments. I bid goodbye to the 2 priests with whom I shared a table for lunch, saying to each, "May God bless you." One of these priests admitted to being homosexual. Both priests said that the percentage of homosexuals in the priesthood was extremely high and very few of the laity even have an inkling of this. I told them that I would keep them in my prayers.
I believe that this group (& others like it) will die out or abandon Catholicism, eventually. The sad part is that many souls may be lost if we do not pray for their conversions and educate the faithful about groups like this. And a few in these groups may want nothing to do with God's grace. I'm certain that some of them could be rescued from the clutches of Satan with our continued prayers. May God have mercy on all of us!