Thursday, April 15, 2004

Noted Columnist & Catholic Expert, Ellen Goodman Speaks

Here is a classic case of anti-Catholic bigotry. Note the headline from the Boston Globe:

Putting Kerry on the 'wafer watch'

Here are a few excerpts from her enlightening article in which she quotes another noted Catholic expert/theologian, Frances Kissling of "Catholics for a Free Choice" (to murder babies):
WHAT NEXT? Will we have a political reporter to cover John Forbes Kerry at each Sunday Mass from now to November? Will there be a Holy Communion beat? A wafer watch?
The whole thing, fumed Frances Kissling of Catholics for a Free Choice, turned us into a nation of "eucharistic Peeping Toms": "I hope the bishops are satisfied that the sacraments of the church are now the subject of a media frenzy."
When the church took an absolutist stand against abortion, it took special umbrage at politicians who identify themselves as pro-choice Catholics.
"What happens when the pope says you are obliged to vote against anything that supports homosexuality or abortion?" asks Kissling. "The church itself creates the climate in which prejudice can and will reemerge."
Many theologians tell you that not even the pope can say a baptized Catholic is no longer a Catholic. Many believe it's up to the individual to decide whether to take the sacraments.
But if the church sets up a litmus test for politicians, what about for Supreme Court justices? What about for lay people who dissent?
These people are rightly called either "heretics" or "protestants". I mean this as no offense against those who are Protestant but we must acknowledge that those who refuse to assent to some defined teaching of the Church are guilty of the sin of heresy. Those Catholics who totally repudiate the faith are guilty of apostacy. The Church is quite clear about this and always has been. There is no wiggle room.

I am particularly outraged at the use of the term "wafer watch" as this is a deliberate and intentional perjorative aimed at the Church and those who believe that the Blessed Sacrament is truly our Lord. Funny, she is not. Confused, deranged, sick - maybe.
By putting Kerry on wafer watch, conservatives in the church are running the Kennedy tape backward. Ferraro reminds them: "Kerry's not running for pope. He's running for president. There's only one time when we find out if we've done this thing right that we call living. It's when we meet our Maker."

On that day, there will be no reporters on hand.
Would this be because you will have missed meeting our Creator and have gone on to meet Satan, instead?

Boston Globe article is here.

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