Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Gary Wills - Professed Catholic, Theological Expert, Life Scientist, Expert Philosopher & Biblical Scholar

Gary Wills has determined that the Church and the Bishops are wrong when it comes to abortion. His Op-Ed in the New York Times would be laughable if it were not so serious. The sad fact is that many professed Catholics are as 'enlightened' as Gary Wills is.

Some of his statements are:
Abortion is not a church issue...

Modern "right to life" issues — abortion and contraception — are nowhere mentioned in either Jewish or Christian Scripture.

[N]o scholar of Scripture accepts that reading of Genesis 38:9 [regarding Onan] anymore...

My hair and fingernails, while growing, are alive with my own human life.

When does the fetus become a person?

When is the fetus "viable," and viable as what?

Aborted fetuses, if they are persons, should be baptized, just as infants are, and buried in consecrated ground.

All I am saying is that the bishops have no special mandate from their office to supplant the individual conscience with some divine imperative.

For them to say that this is a matter of theology is, simply, bad theological reasoning.
What a classic example of mental and spritual impoverishment.

Link here.

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