Monday, November 08, 2004

Bulletin Article on Moral Issues...

A blurb from a local parish bulletin following the election...

That is the comment made in the media on the
day after the election. It is sad to think that
few if any of these “moral” issues are
important enough to be found in the Bible.
The biblical concerns about the “least of our
brothers and sisters” (Matt 25) never seems to
get any attention. In essence Jesus was saying,
“no one gets into heaven without a letter of
reference from the poor.” How about making
poverty the “nonnegotiable” moral issue for
religious people before the next election?

Let's see if I have this's OK to permit the murder of the poorly defended, innocent unborn children - AS LONG AS I "get a letter of reference from the poor" since the moral issue of abortion is NOT in the bible?

Are we to believe that ALL revelation is contained solely in Sacred Scripture? Is this Catholic parish truly Catholic? Do we ignore the catechesis recently given us by our Archbishop who handed on to us what he himself has received?

This is not to say that we must abandon efforts to help those in need who are alive, but first and foremost, we must do all we can to save those helpless children who are being offered as human sacrifices to the newest of the gods, the god of SELF.

This does in way preclude carrying out our corporal and spiritual works of mercy. As our Lord told us, we will always have the poor to which we must attend.

Somehow, I feel more secure knowing that the Holy Father and the Magisterium has been given the power to authentically interpret God's revelation.

Bulletin here.

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