Tuesday, May 03, 2005

RSM: the name 'Joseph Ratzinger' means aggressive homophobe

CHICAGO, May 2 /PRNewswire/ -- The Rainbow Sash Movement (RSM) with its supporters will be entering Cathedrals and parishes around the nation on Pentecost Sunday, May 15. We are inviting our supporters to join us, and wear the Rainbow Sash as a symbol of dignity and inclusion.

In the weeks since the death of Pope John Paul II, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger was elected Pope Benedict XVI. For many gay men and lesbians the name Joseph Ratzinger means aggressive homophobe.

The article states:...we call on our brothers and sisters, both straight and gay, around the nation to enter parishes wearing the Rainbow Sash. To create a sash just go to a fabric store and ask for a strip of 7ft rainbow fabric. It goes over your left shoulder and is pinned at the right hip. The Rainbow Sash is put on as the priest is processing in. Should you be denied Communion go back to your pew and remain standing while the rest of the congregation kneels. However, if you do receive communion, go back to your pew and kneel. This simple act is a public dialogue that counters those who promote hate in God's name.
Are we to understand that God, Who in the Bible states that homosexuality is an abomination, promotes hate in HIs won name?

Deluded and sick people in need of much prayer.


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