Thursday, October 06, 2005

Vatican Cardinal: Catholic Voters Can Never Be Justified in Voting for Pro-Abortion Politicians

ROME, October 6, 2005 ( - The president of the Pontifical Council for Health Care has stated flatly that Catholics cannot, in conscience, support a politician who favors legal abortion.

Cardinal Javier Lozano Barragan made his remarks in an interview with the Italian daily La Repubblica. He was responding indirectly to an intervention by Archbishop William Levada during the discussions of the Synod of Bishop. Archbishop Levada-- the American prelate recently chosen by Pope Benedict XVI (bio - news) to be prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith-- had asked other prelates to reflect on the question that had divided the US hierarchy during the 2004 election year: How bishops should respond to Catholic politicians who support abortion.

"A Catholic cannot support a politician who presents abortion as a general norm," said Cardinal Lozano. The Mexican prelate added that "a son of the Church cannot consider himself to be in full communion if he supports what the Church condemns."
And because he has rejected what the Church teaches and is no longer in communion with the Church, he should not be permitted to engage in scandal and sacrilege by attempting to receive Holy Communion. Archbishop Burke and others have rightly expressed the position of the Church, much to the chagrin of those who are at odds with the Church, whether they be the laity or those of the ordained ministry.

More can be read at LifeSiteNews here.

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