Thursday, March 02, 2006

Catholic comic book venture started

There’s a new line of comic books out, but the "superheros" featured in each issue don’t have X-ray vision, super strength or the ability to fly. Instead, they have a power most parents would much rather that their children read about — faith.

"Stories of the Saints," published monthly by Arcadius Press, is a four-book packet of comics, each featuring the life of a different saint. "For example, a recent packet had St. Francis of Assisi, St. Anthony of Padua, St. Joan of Arc and St. Elizabeth Ann Seton," said Tony Sansone III, chief operating officer of Arcadius Press.
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"We want to produce something for children through which they can learn about the lives of the saints — people who devoted themselves to Christ and the Catholic faith — in a medium that is fresh and exciting," he said.
Tony, a member of a local Catholic family is a student at Fontbonne University.
More here from the St. Louis Review

More information is available at
Tony Sansone can be reached at (417) 887-6570.

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