This guy hasn't got a clue, or if he does, he doesn't know what to do with it. As a doctor, he should understand the moral and ethical problems of embryonic stem cell research and the destruction of human life.
WASHINGTON Jun 29, 2006 (AP)— Urged anew by Nancy Reagan, Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist on Thursday revived a bill to expand funding for embryonic stem cell research after conservatives who had blocked it withdrew their objections.This man is a disgrace to that which is is right, just and moral. He has been unable (or unwilling) to lead the Republican-controlled Senate, opting instead to assume a position of surrender to those of the party of immorality and death. What weakness and cowardice he and his cohorts demonstrate...Because of his leadership failure and the failure of others to oppose him, I suspect we may soon witness an even greater number of those of the pro-death, anti-family culture in the Senate. What a disgusting excuse of a man (allegedly)...
"It's my intention now that we've gotten over this first hurdle that we will (vote on the bill) in the not too distant future," Frist said as he brought the three-bill package to the floor.
"We'll do this before we get out of here for the October break?" asked Democratic leader Harry Reid of Nevada.
"We will," replied Frist, R-Tenn.
Thankfully though, President Bush has threatened to veto such legislation.
Please contact your senators (by clicking here) and urge strong opposition to using taxpayer funds to pay for embryonic stem cell research...

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