Swiss woman ordained Catholic priestUhhh, sure she became a "priest" - And I just declared myself President of the U.S...Maybe she's the first Swiss woman to attempt to become a "priestess" although I was certain that others had already tried.
A theologian has become the first Swiss woman to be ordained a Roman Catholic priest, despite Church laws decreeing only men can enter the priesthood.
Monika Wyss, a divorced mother of four, feels she has the right to become a priest even though she will probably be excommunicated.She feels she has a right to be a priestess - I feel I have a right to be a mother even though God made me male...I feel I have a right to be supreme ruler of the earth! Who will obey me?
...and there ain't no probably about the excommunication either, sister.
The ceremony, organised by the West European Roman Catholic Womenpriests organisation, took place on Saturday on board a passenger ship on Lake Constance between Switzerland and Germany."Womenpriestesses" is usually behind these "rituals"...
In addition to Wyss, two other women joined the priesthood: Regina Nicolosi, a German living in the United States, and Jane Via, an American. Another woman from the US, who wishes to remain anonymous, was ordained a deacon, a rank below a priest.Do these women really and truely believe this nonsense? Is there not a name for those who live in a dream world which is so out of touch with reality? The story relates that three "female bishops" lead the "ceremony"...Kind of like a witches coven, isn't it?
Rome has not shown any Christian tolerance to women priests. All those who have been ordained - including the three women bishops - have since been excommunicated on the basis that canon law only allows baptised men to enter the priesthood.These articles are so much fun to read...Such prolific use of buzzwords like "tolerance" and "rights". It's a pity, though, that there is such a misunderstanding of the authentic meanings of these and other words. It's shameful that there is such a woeful ignorance of history. It's frightening to see that pride and arrogance become so consuming as to render an individual incapable of rational thought - which is why "pride" is classified as one of the seven deadly sins.
"I will still be a Roman Catholic, but I will no longer be accepted by the Church," she said. "I have no chance of getting a job within the Church with my ideas, so in real terms, it makes no difference for me.""Roman Catholic"???? Sure she is and, I am now President of the World! Why? Because I feel I have been called by God to this office! I have no chance of being taken seriously by the world, so in real terms, it makes no difference to me - I live in my own little fantasy land...
The theologian said she wanted to carry out normal priestly duties, including celebrating Mass, baptisms, overseeing weddings and, more importantly, to be there for those who need help.Theologian - the article can't end without this re-affirmation that the want-to-be "priestess" claims to be a "theologian"...How unfortunate - It gives real theologians a bad rap...

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