Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Mental Prayer for June 21 - Knowing Christ

Mental Prayer Meditation Helps

Presence of God.

Grace I Ask: To come to a real knowledge of Christ.

The Idea: There's a world of difference between knowing about Christ and knowing Christ. Many good people read many pious books, hear sermons, avoid sin, and yet never know Christ. What is lacking? Prayer! Real prayer that is not just thoughts and resolutions, but a personal contact and conversation with a close friend.

The Gospel shows a Christ looking with tender­ness on every form of human suffering. But we won't know Christ, we won't know His kindness, until we approach Him with our own load of sin and difficulties - and experience His compassionate eyes on us, His tenderly lifting the load from our shoulders.

Christ seeks to be known and loved. "Come and see," He tells us. "The whole country was stirred" to go see Him when He passed by. "Never did man speak as this man." His enemies lamented, "The whole world is gone after Him." He wants us to come, too.

My Personal Application: Do I know Christ? Do I really understand His mercy, strength of character, love for all men, zeal, generosity, courage? Christ is my ideal, my model; I want to have this intimate knowledge of Him.

I Speak to God: Lord, draw me close to you. Reveal yourself to me, that I may be set on fire with love for you and zeal for your cause.

Thought for Today: Seek to know Christ through prayer.
Adapted from Mental Prayer, Challenge to the Lay Apostle
by The Queen's Work,(© 1958)

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