Monday, July 10, 2006

British Scientists Blast Vatican on Stem Cell Research Excommunication

London, England ( -- British researchers are upset that the Catholic Church has decided it will excommunicate scientists who are involved in embryonic stem cell research. The Vatican says the research, which relies on the destruction of human life to obtain stem cells, is just as bad as abortion.

Some are calling this "religious persecution." Of course, to those who care not a whit about the natural moral law, it's OK to destroy human life regardless of where in the life cycle he or she is...

Some apparently think that by shaping the argument with cries of Vatican "persecution", they might succeed in hiding what they are really doing, by shifting the argument to some other unrelated point, no one will see that they are really committing abortion outside the womb. May God have mercy on their souls!

And where have we heard words like this before?
Professor Cesare Galli of the Laboratory of Reproductive Technologies in Cremona, the first scientist to clone a horse, said last week that the position makes the Catholic church like the Talbian in Afghanistan.

"I can bear excommunication. I was raised as a Catholic, I share Catholic values, but I am able to make my own judgment on some issues and I do not need to be told by the church what to do or to think," Galli told the London Telegraph newspaper. [my emphasis]

This is what everyone who has been enslaved by pride and arrogance says when he is looking to oppose the will of God and the teachings or directives of the Church. He makes himself the sole arbiter of truth, and appoints himself (or herself) as superior to the Christ and His Church. Almost identical language was used by those schismatics of St Stanislaus. Almost identical language is used by pro-abortion "Catholic" politicians...Such has been the history of the Church from the beginning.

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