Friday, July 28, 2006

July 29 is the feast of Blessed Urban II...

...In commemoration, TFP is relaunching Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira’s article “XXI Century Crusade.”

During Blessed Urban II's time, the forces of Islam were threatening all Christendom. He confronted this threat with courage and fortitude. In our times, the Church faces a Revolution that threatens to utterly destroy Catholic culture and Christian civilization. What is needed is a cultural crusade to face this enemy.

Medieval Crusaders shed their blood to free the Sepulcher of Our Lord Jesus Christ from the hands of the infidels and to establish a Christian kingdom in the Holy Land.

Today the blood of Catholics still flows — in Communist China, the Sudan, Cuba, and many other countries where religious persecutions continue to claim the lives of thousands without most of us even being aware of it. In fact, authorities on religious persecutions have proven that the twentieth century claimed more martyrs than all previous nineteen centuries combined.

But for what purpose? The vast majority of these have died under the continuing onslaught of Communism and Islam, both inveterate enemies of our Faith and of Christian civilization. It is to be hoped that this torrent of blood, like that of the early Christian martyrs, will be a seed of even greater numbers of new Catholics and of a restoration of Christendom in all the world.

Those of us who have not been called upon to shed our blood like these martyrs can, and must, pray and act to free the world not only from the errors of Communism and Islam, but also those of the cultural revolution sweeping the West, possibly toward persecution as well. Our constant aim should be to restore the Kingdom of Christ, that His will may be done “on earth as it is in Heaven.”

The principles for the restoration of Christendom are what Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira outlines in the article we present here. First published in January of 1951, his essay still stands as a suitable blueprint for our activities. - Ed.
This is an !excellent! article - Highly recommended!

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