Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Mental Prayer for August 17-Jesus Cures the Ten Lepers

Mental Prayer Meditation Helps

Presence of God.

Grace I Ask: To realize the unlimited power and goodness of Christ; and also the grace to be truly grateful to Him.

Mental Picture (cf. Luke 17:11-19): See Our Lord walking along a road on the way to Jerusalem. Outside a village stand ten lepers - ugly, full of sores. "Lord, master, have mercy on us." Jesus hears their prayers; they are all cured as they go away to the priests. See their joy. But they forget Christ, all but one; he returns to Christ, giving thanks. Christ says: "Were not ten made clean? Where are the other nine?"

My Personal Application: Am I not like these ten lepers, in need of great help frequently? Don't I have troubles, problems, plans, ambitions; and yet am I not frequently so very weak and helpless? Do I turn to Christ for help? He is just as present in the Holy Eucharist today as He was on that road in Jerusalem. Do I let Him pass by; or do I stop Him, take advantage of the great power that can be mine just for the asking? And when He does help me, do I return, giving thanks?

I Speak to Christ: Lord Jesus, help me today in this particular problem, difficulty, work, desire. Help me to become a more manly, courageous follower of yours; help me to realize that you can and will help me in everything that is good for me. And make me always grateful, like that one returning leper.

Thought for Today: "Jesus, my Lord, help me."
Adapted from Mental Prayer, Challenge to the Lay Apostle
by The Queen's Work,(© 1958)

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