Monday, September 04, 2006

Mental Prayer for September 5-Charity Measured

Mental Prayer Meditation Helps

Presence of God

Grace I Ask: God, teach me to know what charity is and give me the strength to practice it.

The Idea: Three children say they love their mother. But one of the children never obeys her; he is always getting into trouble by refusing to do what she tells him. The second child doesn't do much that is bad, but he doesn't do much that is good either; he just tries to do as little as possible for his mother and spends as much time as he can enjoying life for himself. The third child not only obeys his mother, but he goes out of his way to do things that he knows please her; he plans things not to enjoy himself, but to bring pleasure and honor to his mother.

It is obvious that the first child doesn't love his mother at all, the second child loves himself more than her, and the third child really loves her more than anyone in this life. For no matter how they feel, their actions are a sure indication of their love. Some men don't love God at all, others love themselves more than Him, and some love Him above all things. Their actions are an infallible guide to their attitude, for love is infallibly expressed in deeds.

My Personal Application: Judging from my actions, especially toward my fellowmen, what is my real attitude toward God?

I Speak to God: God, help me realize that without actions my claims of loving you are meaningless.

Thought for Today: "If a man says he loves God while he hates his fellowmen, he is a liar" (1 John 4:20).
Adapted from Mental Prayer, Challenge to the Lay Apostle
by The Queen's Work,(© 1958)

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