SEATTLE - For 45 years, she was a Roman Catholic nun. Now she considers herself a Catholic bishop.As I said, delusional - out of touch with reality. She is living in a dream world...
Patricia Fresen of South Africa says she was ordained a priest in 2003 and a bishop last year - though the church recognizes neither.Fresen was here in St. Louis recently and appeared on a local radio show with Frank Krebs, ex-priest and now homosexual pastor of an "Ecumenical Catholic Church". Also apearing on the show was Marek Bozek, a priest from the diocese of Springfield who, in disobedience left his assignment and was hired by previously interdicted board members of St Stanislaus Kostka Church, all of whom have now been formally excommunicated for the crime of schism.
Fresen was invited to Seattle by Betty Hill, co-president of Call to Action Western Washington, an organization of Catholics calling for church reforms such as allowing married and women clergy.
Church teachings say only men are ordained because Jesus chose male apostles, and that bishops are direct successors of the apostles. Another church tradition says a priest is supposed to be "another Christ. That has often been understood as identifying with Jesus Christ, who's a male," said Monsignor Anthony Bawyn, a canon lawyer in the Seattle Archdiocese.This is a case of either sheer madness or of arrogance and pride which results in a refusal to give assent to the teachings of Christ or His Church.
But Fresen, who entered the Dominican order at 17, considers such restrictions unjust.
The sacraments the women perform - such as weddings, confession and the Eucharist - would, in most cases, be considered invalid by the church. Baptisms are an exception, since even non-Christians with the right intention and know-how can baptize.Say again? "The sacraments...such as weddings, confession and the Eucharist - would, in most cases, be considered invalid by the church."
Except for Baptism, which can be 'validly' performed by even an heretic, ALL other sacraments attempted by these women would be invalid. And it's a bit more than "considered invalid" - they ARE invalid, period...No whining or wailing or emotional appeals to emotion or to some obscure ancient text can change that.
What these women (and those who support) lack is courage - the courage to follow a religion that they continually shape in their own image or the courage to embrace the virtue of humilty and conform their wills to the will of the Lord. Instead, lacking the fortitude to truly follow their consciences, they choose to wallow in their own mess hoping that others will party with them in their diseased-ridden filth.
These people have been deceived. They are in need of much prayer for their repntance and conversion.

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