Saturday, November 18, 2006

Mental Prayer for November 19, The Prodigal Son

Mental Prayer Meditation Helps

Presence of God

Grace I Ask: To understand the love and mercy of God my Father.

The ldea: A young man asks his father for his share of the family money, all he would inherit at his father's death. His father gives it to him and the son goes off to a far country. There he can be free, he tells himself. He spends his money foolishly in all sorts of ways with bad companions and in sin. Soon it's all gone and his "friends" look for someone else. He hires himself out to take care of a farmer's pigs. Think of the change! He starts thinking about the change and decides it would be much better to go back to his father even to be a servant or a slave. That's all he can naturally expect from his father. But what about the father? He was sad to see his son go and so great is his love for him that he wants him back no matter what. Every day he goes out to the high­way waiting and hoping his son will come back. And one day he sees his son coming along the road. He runs out to meet him - shows him that he still loves him and is happy to have his son back. The young man who had thrown away his inheritance is still his son. The father brings him back into the family, not as a servant, but as a son just as he was before. (Cf. Luke 15 :11-32.)

My Personal Application: A1l last week I prayed over my sins. I am the son. I took the great gift that God gave me and threw it away or at least misused it. What can I expect from Him? (Let me go back over the idea - I am the son and God is the Father.)

I Speak to God: My Father, I know you love me. I know you take me back after I sin. Give me the grace never to be afraid to come back to you and ask your pardon.

Thought for Today: My Father, I know you love me.
Adapted from Mental Prayer, Challenge to the Lay Apostle
by The Queen's Work,(© 1958)

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