Friday, February 16, 2007

Mental Prayer for February 17, First Principle in Choosing

Mental Prayer Meditation Helps

Presence of God

Grace I Ask: To realize the importance of laying a firm foundation in choosing my life's work.

The Idea: When we meditated on those basic questions of life back in October, we penetrated to the source of our life and its logical goal - ­God Himself.

Now let's suppose the president of a corporation put a million dollars in our keeping - with one condition. Someday he would want it all re­turned. But till then we could invest it as we liked. What would be the uppermost thought in our mind as we looked around for an investment? What will be the guiding principle of any investment I make? "This million must go back."

Working on this principle, I would put the trust in a safe investment which would give me good returns. I'd also keep in mind that the sum could be recalled any time. This would keep me from wild speculation.

My Personal Application: Actually, I've been given that million to invest - my whole life, my soul! But it's mine only as a trust. It really belongs to God. He's given it to me to invest in some vocation. Someday He is going to ask a return. What's the rock-bottom principle that must guide my choice? It's so simple; it's so logical: "Life is from God - for God." My choice must begin there!

I Speak to God: Yes, it's all so simple on paper, my God. But help me work into my very being the principle that my life came forth as a flash of your will. And so it's really yours. I want to invest it in something worthwhile, in something that will assure me good returns - heaven!

Thought for Today: "What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and suffers the loss of his own soul?"
Adapted from Mental Prayer, Challenge to the Lay Apostle
by The Queen's Work,(© 1958)

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