Sunday, March 25, 2007

Mental Prayer for Monday After the Fifth Sunday of Lent

The Crowning With Thorns

Mental Prayer Meditation Helps

Presence of God

Grace I Ask: Give me shame for my sinful failings and courage to take my stand with you despite all difficulties.

Mental Picture (cf. Matt. 27:27-30) : The soldiers, exhausted from scourging our Lord, now think of a game to play. A large scarlet rag is draped over His left shoulder... this represents the royalty of kings. Next, an ugly crown of thorns is matted ;ogether... and beaten into His head. Blood spurts forth... it runs down His face and neck in rivulets. In His hand the soldiers place a reed for a scepter... they set Him on a stool for a royal throne. One by one they approach... each kneels before Jesus in mock tribute of honor... "Hail to the King of the Jews!"... rises... jerks the reed from Christ's hand... pounds the crown of thorns more deeply into the Sacred Head... spits in His iace... laughs with the scorn and contempt of Satan himself. The meek Christ quietly closes His eyes and prays for His tormentors.

My Personal Application: Why does Christ bear silently this pain... this torture... this humiliation? Love for me is the only answer. As He sits there,
His head on fire with pain, He sees my sins of thought... deliberate thoughts of impurity... of uncharitableness... of hatred... of jealousy. He suffers to gain strength for me that I may gain control over all such thoughts which are so displeasing to Him.

I Speak to Christ: Lord, you are truly my King. I offer you my whole self... my mind... my will... my body. I will not use these to mock you, but to serve and honor you. I know I am weak, but with you I can do and endure anything.

Thought for Today: Soul of Christ, sanctify me.
Adapted from Mental Prayer, Challenge to the Lay Apostle
by The Queen's Work,(© 1958)

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