Friday, June 08, 2007

German Priests Preparing to Emulate Martin Luther?

From Catholic World News we read:
Rottenburg, Jun. 8, 2007 ( - Priests in Rottenburg, Germany have voted to reject the Vatican translation of the phrase pro multis in the Eucharistic liturgy, the news service reports.
Maybe there is reason the place is named "Rotten"burg?

The priests' council of the Rottenburg-Stuttgart diocese announced that the members had decided by a "democratic vote," to retain the current German translation of pro multis as "for all."
That's nice - they decided to rebel by invoking a "demoncratic" process...

And any first year Latin student knows that "pro-multis" means "for many" - despite the numerous equivocations and rationalizations we've endured for years about how it could be rendered and nuanced as "for all."

The Rottenburg priests argued that the use of "for many" would be confusing to the faith In this day and age." . . .
What's confusing in this day and age is the failure of bishops to take these "children" to the woodshed for a little "re-education."

. . .They added that the original Scriptural text read "for all," citing as their authority a Protestant scholar of the 18th century whose analysis the Catholic Church has rejected.
What does it matter if the Church rejected a Protestant's analysis? After all, aren't these "thinking" priests? Surely, then, they know better than the Church...

Please, Lord, spare us from these rebels and renegades!

CWNews link.

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