Tuesday, December 04, 2007

An Invitation to Fox 2 News

In response to recent story of two local women pretending to be Catholic priests, an invitation was emailed (and cc'ed to us) to the local St Louis Fox affiliate, which seems to have a proclivity for the absurd and ridiculous.
Dear Fox,

Thanks for running your article on the so-called "Catholic" priestesses.
I think you should know that I have recently, and of my own accord, assumed the hierarchical leadership position of "Catholic Popess," and may be addressed hereafter as "Popess Delusional the First and Last."

I invite you to contact me anytime at your convenience so that we might discuss the matter of these women priestesses, especially since they are now answerable to me and to me alone, given the fact that I have been "ordained" as the earthly ruler of all marginalized and disaffected "Catholics". And as the Supreme Pontiffess, I speak with that authority which all of the known and unknown gods and goddesses have bestowed on me during a private ceremony on the Mississippi River this past Saturday.

My assumption of the powers of Popess has exactly as much, if not more, validity as the "ordination" of these priestesses. These powers oblige me to speak my truth to the prevailing opppresive, hierarchical, and misogynistic powers in the church.

As the new earthly leader of all "Catholic" women priestesses, it would be grossly unprofessional of you to continue to report on their fantasies and antics while ignoring mine, which happen to be truly "divine".


Popess Delusional the First and Last

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