Friday, December 28, 2007

Meditation for December 29, A Great Joy

I bring you tidings of great joy, the Angels announced to the shepherds.

What is this great joy? - A Savior is born to you. What consi­tutes the joy of possessing a Savior?

Supernatural life was lost to the world by the fall of Adam and Eve. The only means of salvation was that possible today for those who do not possess the true faith, namely, fidelity to duty in the darkness of error. I benefit by the normal means of salvation, membership in the visible Church. How easily I can learn the truth! How much assistance I have to live it!

Am I convinced that the message of the Catholic Church is pri­marily a doctrine of joy? The Gospel brings good tidings. Super­natural life was lost; it is returned forever. Glory to God in the highest; peace on earth to men. "Joy, joy, weep for joy!" Pascal dared to say.

At first sight religion appears as a code rather than joyful tidings, a collection of stringent measures rather than liberty and expansion. Let me profit by the song of the angels. The Gospel is pre-eminently the announcement that the Redemption has been accomplished. God be praised! Joy, joy, Peace and joy!

"O Jesus, throughout this year which is ending I have not sufficiently lived in joy. I reproach myself, because my life, on this account, has been less radiant and complete. During the coming year, I will expand my soul to the dimensions of the true Gospel and according to its spirit. 'We have no right to be sad,' said a Bishop, 'except at the authentic news of the death of our God.' But our God is not only not dead but He has come down to earth to live. What cause for joy!"
Adapted from Meditations for Religious
by Father Raoul Plus, S.J. (© 1939, Frederick Pustet Co.)

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