Sunday, January 27, 2008

Just for Today, January 28

What means this most loving condescension, and so friendly an invitation? How shall I dare to approach, who am conscious to myself of no good on which I can presume?

The angels and archangels stand with a reverential awe; the saints and the just are afraid; and Thou sayest Come ye all to me! Unless Thou, O Lord, didst say it, who could believe it to be true? And unless Thou didst command it, who would dare attempt to approach?
-Bk. IV, ch. i.

Jesus calls; what an invitation! We were an object of horror to ourselves, and Jesus calls us that He may look upon us... He comes, and with Him the other two divine Persons of the Blessed Trinity, to take possession of our soul. He made this promise so lovingly when He said: If anyone love me, he will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him, and will make our abode with him (John xiv, 23). The only con­dition laid down, the only proof of our love that He requires of us is that we keep His word. Surely this Word can be none other than Himself, for He is the uncreated Word of God.
For more information, see this post.
Adapted from Just For Today(©1943 Burns & Oates)
Nihil Obstat: Reginaldus Phillips, S.T.L.,Censor deputatus
Imprimatur: Edwardus Myers, Vic. Cap.

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