Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Meditation for January 16, Increase

Increase, progress: that was the law for Our Lord. Is it mine? Mother Ponnet said, "Let each succeeding prayer be holier than the one before." Not only each succeeding prayer, but each succeeding action, whatever it may be - a recreation, a class to pre­pare or teach, or any exercise of zeal.

It is not a question of visible increase or of appreciable exterior progress. If in the growing plant or the growing child the daily development is imperceptible, how much less noticeable will the increase in our charity be! The important thing is that there is growth.

If there is growth, God sees it and that alone counts.

To grow, we must love.

Merit increases as love increases. If then my love increases everyday, I am making progress.

I have two means to increase in love: the sacraments of the liv­ing, especially the Holy Eucharist; and each act of fidelity to grace.

I will prepare for Communion with great care and aim at perfect fidelity to grace. With the venerable Marie of the Incarnation I shall say:

"It is impossible not to obey when God is always present; to see Him as Love Itself makes obedience still easier. The soul desires only to please Him and lovingly to fulfill His will. At the least inspiration, she says: 'Let us go to the Cross, my Love, my soul is happy there.' Then her desire to please God is so great that it seems she must fly."
Adapted from Meditations for Religious
by Father Raoul Plus, S.J. (© 1939, Frederick Pustet Co.)

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