Sunday, February 24, 2008

Meditation for February 25, Jesus Bound

Contemplate Jesus with wrists bound.

He is the Master of all. It is He, Who with the Father and Holy Spirit, has flung the planets into space and has created from nothing all that exists.

His all-powerful hands are bound!

He has gone about on earth doing good; with His hands He has multiplied bread, blessed children, touched the eyes of the blind.

Behold, His healing hands are bound!

Bound, chained, powerless!

He cannot escape the weight of sin that falls upon Him like a toppling tree. It is the decree of the Father who is all-loving and all-just.

In danger one can stretch out his hands to ward off a blow, but for Christ that is impossible! Let loose the rain of torment; Jesus can do nothing!

I too am bound by my vow of obedience! Does it not bind me to a divine activity which should be the sole activity of a re­ligious? What does our Lord want? That I obey promptly, per­fectly, eagerly, and lovingly.

For a long time, perhaps, I have been bound to some little trin­ket, to a mere nothing - maybe even to sin! Hidden bonds, but nevertheless real; slavish bonds!

Ohl how I now long to accept with generosity the sanctifying bonds of obedience in order to repair my former attachment to sensible pleasures and to unite myself to Jesus bound.
Adapted from Meditations for Religious
by Father Raoul Plus, S.J. (© 1939, Frederick Pustet Co.)

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