Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Meditation for February 7, The Spirit of Prayer

All spiritual writers agree that few souls succeed in acquiring the spirit of prayer because few souls have the courage to renounce themselves completely.

Why are there so few contemplative men? asks the author of the Imitation (Bk. iii, 31.) He answers: Because there are few souls who know how to separate themselves wholly from perishable and created things. Many are found to desire contemplation, but they make it not their aim to practice those things which are required thereunto. It is a great hindrance that we have but little of perfect mortification.

Alvarez de paz, (famous mystic of the Society of Jesus), says: "The gift of contemplation is subordinated to the practice of mortification. This is a curious thing; we meet many excellent souls among religious, priests, and even lay people, but why do so few of them have the gift of prayer, - so few who enjoy the light of contemplation? It is because contemplation re­quires a serious and persevering practice of mortification. And how very small is the number of those who renounce themselves; very small too, is the number of those who penetrate into the divine cellar to drink of the wine of celestial communion."

It is not so much a question of exterior mortification as of in­terior renunciation; likewise it is not so much a question of the sweetness of consolation in prayer as of a deep interior union with God such as the Lord gives to those who refuse Him nothing.

"Lord, if You judge it opportune, open to me the secrets of Your Heart; I want to make in myself a perfect void that You can fill my soul completely. Help me in this double task of emptying my heart of self and of filling it with You. You are my Master, I give You all."
Adapted from Meditations for Religious
by Father Raoul Plus, S.J. (© 1939, Frederick Pustet Co.)

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