Sunday, March 30, 2008

Meditation for March 31, The Present Moment

All my sanctity depends on the present moment - what it is, what I shall make of it, and what the succession of all the present moments to come will be - such will be my eternity, such will be my degree of glory for eternity.

My eternity is spun from each passing moment. Each of these moments, if I so wish it, acquires the ever-increasing value of my union with the Infinite.

What is a passing moment? -Nothing.

What is a passing moment? -A simple tick of the clock, but a tick which stirs the world. Jesus died on the cross in a passing moment. I, in a passing moment, can, by an act of love, save mul­titudes. I can apply to multitudes the benefit of that moment, so like any other moment, that moment in which the Last Sigh con­summated the Redemption.

The air is full of last sighs, but one day - a day like any other day, made up of moments like any other moments - a moment slipped by, one like every other and yet different from every other because in it was breathed out the Consummatum est. Jesus' last moment, and my present moment - may they be united, that is sufficient to attain the salvation of many.

The incomparable power of a single moment!...Of the suc­cession of all single moments!...All are laden with meaning, all are of weighty consequence, all are of momentous import, all are moments of sanctity and of redemption.
Adapted from Meditations for Religious
by Father Raoul Plus, S.J. (© 1939, Frederick Pustet Co.)

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