Friday, April 25, 2008

Just for Today, April 26

Jesus has now many lovers of His heavenly kingdom, but few are willing to bear His cross. He has many that are desirous of comfort, but few of tribulation. He finds many companions of His table, but few of His abstinence. All desire to rejoice with Him: few are willing to suffer with Him. Many follow Jesus to the breaking of bread; but few to the drinking of the chalice of His Passion. Many reverence His miracles: but few follow the ignominy of His cross.
Many love Jesus as long as they meet with no adver­sity; many praise Him and bless Him as long as they receive consolations from Him. But if Jesus hide Himself, and leave them for a little while, they either fall into complaints or excessive dejection.
-Bk. II, ch. xi.

It is not in peaceful repose that Jesus would have us find Him; He hides Himself in darkness...And yet this is not how He treated the multitude, for we read in the Gospel that: All the people were very attentive to hear him (Luke xix, 28). Jesus attracted weak souls by His divine words, in order to strengthen them against the day of temptation and trial; but how few of His friends remained faithful when He was silent before His judges! The silence of my divine Master is like music to my soul.

A bundle of myrrh is my beloved to me (Cant. i, 12), and we often share the chalice of His suffering, but one day how sweet these words will sound to our ears: You are they who have continued with me in my temptations: and I dispose to you, as my Father hath disposed to me, a kingdom (Luke xxii, 28).

For more information, see this post.
Adapted from Just For Today(©1943 Burns & Oates)
Nihil Obstat: Reginaldus Phillips, S.T.L.,Censor deputatus
Imprimatur: Edwardus Myers, Vic. Cap.

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