Thursday, June 19, 2008

Did Catholic charity staff help teen get abortion?

Joanne D. Nattrass, executive director of Commonwealth Catholic Charities...said in a statement that Catholic Charities staff members assisted the girl in preparations leading up to the abortion.
What exactly does "assisted the girl in preparations leading up to the abortion" mean? Everything up and until when the "doctor" (murderer) performed his execution?

A social worker signed a consent form and "a person associated with CCC" took her to and from the abortion facility, Nattrass said.
Was this a State "social worker" or someone in the employ of CCC? And what does "a person associated with CCC" really mean - volunteer? staff member?

Two months earlier, Catholic Charities staff assisted the girl in the implantation of a contraceptive device, she said.
It sounds like there are real problems at this "Catholic charity." It's difficult, at best, to believe that this was an isolated incident.

"Both the implantation of the contraceptive device and the abortion were contrary to basic teachings of the Catholic [C]hurch," Nattrass said in the statement.
One can't help but wonder when she come to this realization?

She said that she is not aware of any other previous abortions involving minors in Catholic Charities' care.
Was she even aware of this one before it became public knowledge? Perhaps an investigation is in order? Sounds like someone is unaware of what goes on under her "watch." How many others have been treated with such "loving care" from this organization? Sounds more like a Planned Parenthood office than a Catholic charity!

I cannot help but feel sorrow and grief for the teenager and her murdered child...May the Lord grant both of them peace.

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