Thursday, June 19, 2008

Just for Today, June 20

Fly the tumult of men as much as thou canst, for treating of worldly affairs hinders very much, although they be discoursed of with a simple intention. For we are quickly defiled and ensnared with vanity.

But devout conferences concerning spiritual things, help very much to spiritual progress; especially where persons of the same mind and spirit are associated together in God.

-Bk. I, ch. x.

Instead of separating us, the grille at Carmel united us more closely than ever: our life was made up of the same thoughts and desires, the same love of Jesus and of souls. The things of this world were never the theme of our conversations. At Les Buissonnets we used to gaze far into beyond the stars, but in the parlour it was our hearts that reached out, and we chose contempt and suffering in this world, that we might enjoy eternal happiness in the next.

-The Story of a Soul (L'Histoire d'une Âme).
For more information, see this post.
Adapted from Just For Today(©1943 Burns & Oates)
Nihil Obstat: Reginaldus Phillips, S.T.L.,Censor deputatus
Imprimatur: Edwardus Myers, Vic. Cap.

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