Monday, June 09, 2008

Meditation for June 10, Nothing is Impossible with God

I will do all through Him, with Him, in Him.

Through Him: Of myself I am capable of only easy things. As someone once said, "I can accomplish only a very little, and this little I do badly." At any rate, if there is question of a difficult task, no matter what its nature--perseverance in prayer through aridity; generosity in Apostolic work despite ill-success; efforts in regard to charity despite the irritation of certain persons--what­ever it is, I am always too quickly winded.

Have I acquired sufficiently the habit of leaning on God, of asking Him for strength? After all, does He not permit my weak­nesses, my failures, for the sole purpose of inciting me to a more frequent recourse to Him and to a greater humility?

With Him: The grace of God is with me. The grace of God accompanies me. And what does that mean? If I am living in love, grace is not merely something which comes to me from God, a help, an aid from without, but it is the very Presence of the strong God within me. With God all mine, dwelling in me, of what should I not be capable? Have I a sufficient practical con­viction in the everyday run of life that God is with me; that all I do, we both do, He and I? I carry my weakness, but He--He is strength!

In Him: If I understand the great doctrine of Incorporation with Jesus Christ, not only am I able to live on God, but I can live in God. As a living branch of Christ, I am but one with my good Master. He is the Vine, I am the branch. In fact, St. Au­gustine dares to say "I am not only a member of Christ, but I am Christ." Christus sumus, We are Christ, exactly as the grafted branch constitutes a living extension, a living portion of the tree. The strength of the branch comes from the vigor of the trunk. As a member of Christ, I have at my disposal the very strength of Christ.
Adapted from Meditations for Religious
by Father Raoul Plus, S.J. (© 1939, Frederick Pustet Co.)

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