Monday, June 16, 2008

What's Your Moral IQ - The Human Act?

Allow ten points for each question. One hundred per cent means that you are a moral theologian; 90, you know the law; 80, you are about average; 70, you'd better join a study club.

I. What is moral theology?

2. Are all of man's actions human actions?

3. What are the three elements which give a human act its moral goodness or badness?

4. How many of these elements must be good or indifferent if the act is to be a good act?

5. What is the object of an act of theft?

6. Circumstances of a human act are those accidental conditions which change the act from a good one to a bad one. What is a circumstance that ordinarily makes it wrong for a Catholic to eat meat?

7. Alex kills his father thinking he is a deer. Is Alex guilty of parricide?

8. Nick, while in jail, misses Sunday Mass. He believes he commits a sin so he reconciles himself to the fact. Does Nick commit a sin?

9. Jim had immodest thoughts that persisted off and on for several hours, but he did not give consent to having these thoughts. Does Jim commit sin?

10. Joan deliberately reads a really harmless book that she thinks gravely sinful. Is she guilty of a grave sin?

Answers Next Monday...

Adapted from The Queen's Work Magazine, October 1946

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