Friday, July 25, 2008

Meditation for July 26, Numerous Posterity

For women religious, the great sacrifice which the vow of chastity entails is the sacri­fice of maternity, not to have one's own children born of one's own blood, not to be a mother. Of the three vows, it is this one which generally costs a woman dearest.

Without doubt, this vow includes the great joy of not belonging by flesh and blood to any human creature; of being able to remain a virgin forever, which is sometimes as much a sacrifice as a joy, but a sacrifice one makes willingly in order to follow the Lamb withersoever He goeth.

The great joy of those who have for love of God voluntarily renounced corporal fecundity, is that they can consequently lay claim to marvelous possibilities of spiritual fruitfulness. To give birth to the body is indeed a beautiful privilege; but to form souls in countless numbers, is this not still more beautiful?

Look at the heavens and count, if you can, the stars, said the Lord to Abraham, so numerous will be your posterity. (Gen. xv, 5.)

To every consecrated soul God can address similar words: "Look at the heavens, your posterity will be as numerous as the stars in the firmament. Because you have renounced human love for Me, multitudes will be born to grace through you. Many will owe their salvation to you."

"Lord give me the grace to cause many souls to be born to Your divine love, to belief in You."
Adapted from Meditations for Religious
by Father Raoul Plus, S.J. (© 1939, Frederick Pustet Co.)

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