Monday, July 28, 2008

NCR Claims Kleba is "Dedicated St Louis Priest"

Dedicated St. Louis priest like others you know

If you don’t know Fr. Gerry Kleba you probably know a priest like him....
I don't know him, but from what I understand, I have known some like him - and many of those that I knew who rebelled against Church teaching and promoted heterdox views (or worse) had the courage to repent/convert or leave the priesthood altogether. Others who remain and promote dissent need to be avoided like the plague.
Kleba is one of those inner-city parish priests we have stumbled across and admired....
No surprise here. NCR seems to "admire" all who rebel against lawful Church authority.
I called Kleba recently to find out how he was doing. I found him to be a man of considerable faith and conviction and by the time I hung up I felt I knew this priest or had known priests like him....On the phone, I asked him how he is holding up, having lost two mainstay ministers in the parish. He says he’s doing OK and the parish is going to learn from the experience.
What are they going to learn, one might ask? How to engage in protesting in front of the Archbishop's home? Embracing women priestettes? Promoting homosexuality as good and wholesome? Refusing to grow up?
The parishioners, he said, are “being challenged to deepen their faith.”
Their "faith" in what? Community protest vigils>
He said he hopes the parish will come through the turmoil “a much better parish....”
Some maintain that this hotbed of dissent should have been closed long ago...
An e-mail he sent out to friends following his visit with Burke was critical of the archbishop’s action in the Lears’ case. The e-mail eventually got circulated on the Internet.

But he’s not worried. “What have I got to lose?” he asked....
Such a statement reeks of arrogance and pride, at least to me.
He has no plans to retire. His work, he says, is going forward.
"His" work? Of course, most of us wonder why it's not the Lord's work that he would be promoting - you know the teachings of Christ and His Church? That, however, would require the virtue of humility.

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