Saturday, October 18, 2008

And Abortion & Infanticide Are Not Even Mentioned...

Obama's Nexus Of Support: "Black Power Anti-White Racists, Jew-Haters, Revolutionary Marxists, Unrepentant Former Terrorists And Chicago Mobsters"

British political observer Melanie Phillips writing in the UK's Spectator cannot believe what's going on in the United States:

You have to pinch yourself –
a Marxisant* radical who all his life:

* has been mentored by,
* sat at the feet of,
* worshipped with,
* befriended,
* endorsed the philosophy of,
* funded and been in turn funded,
* politically promoted and
* supported by a nexus comprising:
* black power anti-white racists,
* Jew-haters,
* revolutionary Marxists,
* unrepentant former terrorists and
* Chicago mobsters,
is on the verge of becoming President of the United States. And apparently it’s considered impolite to say so.
As she sees it: Pinch yourself

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