Sunday, October 19, 2008

Archbishop criticizes Obama, Catholic allies

DENVER (AP) - Denver Roman Catholic Archbishop Charles Chaput labeled Barack Obama the "most committed" abortion-rights candidate from a major party in 35 years while accusing a Catholic Obama ally and other Democratic-friendly Catholic groups of doing a "disservice to the church."
Chaput, without getting into much detail, called Obama the "most committed" abortion-rights major-party presidential candidate since the landmark Roe v. Wade decision on abortion in 1973.

"To suggest - as some Catholics do - that Senator Obama is this year's 'real' pro-life candidate requires a peculiar kind of self-hypnosis, or moral confusion, or worse," Chaput said according to his prepared remarks, titled "Little Murders"....
Obamabots, especially those who claim to be Catholic, besides being morally confused, are clearly politically challenged and intellectually dishonest - their "messiah" is a pathological and narcissistic liar of the worse kind, a committed marxist/communist and, no doubt, a willing agent of the evil one. One can see it in his eyes. Just as McCain saw "KGB" when he loked into Putin's eyes, I see pure hatred and evil whenever I see the muslim Obama spouting his poisoned rhetoric.

May God save us from this man and his policies.

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