Monday, January 18, 2010

Patience - January 18

Thoughts on the Patient Endurance of Sorrows and Sufferings


Receive all adverse things lovingly, as most precious gifts sent to thee from God.

Think not that anything happens to thee except by the dis­pensation of Divine Providence; for, unless the Lord permitted it, thou wouldst suffer no adver­sity.

When our common enemy inflicted on the blessed Job the loss of his goods and of his chil­dren, the holy man said not, the Lord gave, and the devil hath taken away; but what saith he? "The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; as it hath pleased the Lord, so is it done: blessed be the name of the Lord" (Job. i. 21).

Be not angry with men who injure thee; but, recognizing in them the instruments of the divine dispensations, love them, and give thanks to God. Regard with the eyes of thy heart Him Who al­lows thee to be tried by troubles, rather than those who trouble thee.

Although God may purify, and prove thee, He does not forsake thee. For "the Lord is nigh unto them that are of a contrite heart, and He will save the humble of spirit" (Ps. xxxiii. 19).

Perhaps thou knowest not now why He thus bruises and chastises thee; but, when thou art come to Him, thou wilt recognize that those scourges with which He now tries thee, came only from His love of thee. He permits no misfor­tune, however, trifling, to happen without its be­ing for the exceeding advantage of him who suf­fers it, if he is patient. The humble endurance of interior dereliction is more pleasing to Him than great sweetness of devotion. He will not suffer thee to be tempted beyond thy strength, provided thou trustest not in thyself, but in Him; provided thou art patient, and waitest in holy confidence for His help.
Compiled and Edited by Rev. F. X. Lasance
Author of "My Prayerbook," etc.
1937, Benziger Brothers
Printers to the Holy Apostolic See

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