Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Prayers & Reflections for February 8

The Armor of God
Reflections and Prayers for Wartime


Why do we feel so disgusted after we have sinned?

For the same reason that we feel pain when we break a bone. Things are not as they ought to be; we have disturbed God's order.

Remorse is the voice of God calling us back again to peace.

The floating bell-buoys on the ocean need no hands to ring them; the restless waves do the work.

So does remorse toll the bells of an uneasy conscience.

[Continued tomorrow]
The Armor of God
Reflections and Prayers for Wartime

by Rt. Rev. Msgr. Fulton J. Sheen
(C) 1943, P.J. Kenedy & Sons

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