It should not be too hard to determine who the priest is. His picture can be circulated, and, IF he is actually a priest, one can expect that his bishop will have some nice words for him when he returns home.
Perhaps, though, he might be one of the "RentaPriests" who advertise here and there to offer the Sacraments for those who claim to be Catholic but, by and large, no longer are having rejected the Church long ago?
It may even be possible that the "priest" (or "priestess"?) is no more than an actor who would be happy to 'simulate' the Sacraments for those who are eager to wallow in their obstinacy and self-pity?
People should be concerned, at least, that they would be receiving valid Sacraments, however illict they might be. Maybe, though, just going through motions will be enough for some people?
The parishioners of St. Stanislaus Kostka parish will celebrate Mass at their church over Easter weekend, despite the removal of their priest by St. Louis Archbishop Raymond Burke in August.What happened to St. Stanislaus "spokesman", Richard Bach?
The priest, who will officiate at several celebrations between Thursday and Sunday, including Easter Sunday Mass, is not the same man, said St. Stanislaus spokesman Roger Krasnicki, but described him as “once removed” from Poland, an indication that the priest, referred to only as “Father John,” is from a U.S. diocese.
Full story here.
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